Students get the chance to conduct an independent, age-appropriate investigation into a topic of personal interest through the personal project. Students are encouraged to exhibit and hone their approaches to learning (ATL) skills through the inquiry, action, and reflection process.
Here are some suggestions given by the experts from IBGA to aid students in comprehending the essence of the individual project.
A Supervisor and an MYP Assignment
The supervisor's role is to assist the student with their personal project. Every student has a supervisor of their own.
The supervisor's duties include assisting students with the project's execution and completion:
Information and direction for students should cover the following:
Supervisors will assist students during their individual projects. The type of project, subject matter, the qualities of the students involved, or the project's stages may all affect how frequently learners and their supervisors meet. It is advised that supervisors avoid becoming project experts.
Role of a learner
Independent learning is required of students in order to finish a personal project. It is anticipated that they will work on their own private project for about 25 hours. The entire procedure, including conferences with their supervisor, is covered during this time.
By means of the individual assignment, learners:
Students specifically need to:
Numerous community members, both inside and outside the school, are able to assist with the personal project.
Inside the School (example)
Outside the School (example)
When the research is finished or the product is ready, someone with resources can be helpful.
Collecting the evidence (of the process)
Students must learn various methods for gathering evidence through portfolios, design assignments, interdisciplinary projects, or any other activity they performed during the project. They are also expected to record the procedure they followed in order to complete their project. This will allow them to show how they developed abilities in ATL and their academic honesty.
While they are not required to use a specific model in order to gather evidence, students must nonetheless provide proof that demonstrates they have met the goals of their personal projects. It is imperative that students learn how to gather evidence independently and use any kind of media—written, visual, audio, digital, or a combination of these—to support their independence.
Among the MYP assignment the potential proof are:
In addition to supporting their growth as autonomous, lifelong learners, it gives them a crucial chance to hone and reinforce the approaches to learning (ATL) talents they acquired throughout the MYP.